Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice 2010

Today is the 2010 Winter Solstice and the first day of Tastes Like Sunshine On My Tongue.  It is a fitting first day for a growing eclectic compendium of esoteric thoughts, ideas, discoveries, et cetera about everything and anything.  Anyone dropping in here may come upon travel tales, recipes, queries, or trivia.   Please enjoy, become a follower, and participate by commenting.

I can hardly wait for the long, spring days.  And just to remind myself of that, here is part of my garden last summer from one of my bedroom windows. 

The weather has been rainy, rainy, rainy the last couple of weeks.  Yesterday there was the promise of gray clouds about to disappear, but it did not happen. Christmas is to be wet also, then it will dry up a bit.  Maybe my cauliflower and broccoli starts will grow some.  

A BIT OF HISTORY:  The name of my blog came about a couple of years ago when I made my first batch of marmalade from our orange and lemon trees.  The taste was so exquisite that I said, "It tastes like sunshine on your tongue." Hopefully, what you read and view will taste like sunshine on your tongue.


  1. It was the name of your blog that drew me in! I LOVE it and I thank you for sharing it's meaning with us! Looking forward to following along as you share more thoughts/ideas.

    Happy Solstice! {{hugs}}

  2. awesome garden- so green, very pretty little spot! I hear ya - ready for spring already!

  3. Becky, you are sunshine for all the people that have met you.
